Community members

“I am quite happy with the help you have given me for applying for my state pension. Joy brought in a state pension letter in without having any idea how to go about applying for it. Bernice helped her to access the right people to proceed with her state pension. This was completed with Joy over the phone. As a result of this help, her application as been completed and a copy will be sent to her to sign and she will receive pension from October 2015 as a result of this.”


“I am very happy my complaint was dealt with. Mr Oboh came to complain about dust flying/blowing from Tilbury docks which is causing him discomfort. He said he needed help to contact the Docks or the Environmental Health to report/complain. I contacted Thurrock Council- Environmental Health and spoke with Lee Jones who also confirmed they have received complaints from the general public about the same issue. Issue was Logged and was given a reference number to get back to them if the issue was not addressed to this satisfaction.”


“Through the steps to success I was able to register for jobs. I now have a job and regular income coming into my account. Through their help I have been able to register as self-employed and Bernice helped me to register for my unique tax number, and no register for my unique tax reference number, and to register onto the housing list to bid for social housing. Thank you for not looking down on me but supporting me. I am now confident and able to manage my life and family better. With much gratitude. "


“One Community has empowered me to fulfil my dreams. All hope was lost but as soon as I entered I knew my problems regarding employment will be solved. The reception and service were exceptional from Bernice and Yewande. I was distressed and depressed but they called the reception regarding my housing situation. She made some calls and signposted me to how to review my mortgage. My job wise not knowing what to do after uni to meet my financial needs. During covid time, I got an email hinting me to the DWP job. Q member from One Community called me and encouraged me. They’ve started as agency staff and became permanent Jan 2022. I am grateful for One Com. They were some other places I could have gone to scan some documents such as the library or local café but I was put off because of the distance and weather. I knew very well that when I came that One Com I will be able o achieve my purpose of sending my documents. Truly when I got to One Com everything was done and even showed me send documents without having to leave my house and so I felt empowered.

I brought a laptop and didn’t know how to configurate the laptop. I was lost, but then I came to One Community on 29th March 2022 for support with this issue. I met with Gregg Wood in regards to these issues. Gregg was so patient and tolerant with all the questions I were asking him without any attitude or complaints. He made sure that I got the upmost support I needed. He taught me a few things I needed to know in order to operate my computer efficiently, a bit of training so-to-speak, so I can access all the necessary tools to do my job. I owe One Community a big thanks for their numerous support they offer me and the community.

Honestly speaking to One Comm has indeed empowered me to become a case manager within then DWP.”


“October 5th was the day my story changed. Sent from the job centre to One Community to volunteering, I walked in not knowing whether I will be given the opportunity to volunteer or not after being on anti-depressant for 3 years and not worked for 5 years. I was welcomed and given an application form to complete. After meeting with the Skills, Development and Volunteer Manager, I was offered the opportunity to volunteer as an Administrative Support.

During this period, I was supported to build my self-confidence and believe in myself that I can overcome the challenges I have been through. One community has helped me to overcome and be a stronger person. My passion has always been in the beauty industry.”



“I, Catalina needed help to complete Primary School admission for my son for September 2016. I was supported by looking at Ofsted website to look at the reports. I have gained a lot of information and now feel able to go ahead and apply for my schools for my children.”


“Volunteering at One Community has empowered me with knowledge, skills and confidence to deal with my own problems and helping our beneficiaries through challenging situations.”


“Volunteering at One Community has empowered me with knowledge, skills and confidence to deal with my own problems and helping our beneficiaries through challenging situations.”


“After my experience I have increased confidence and gained some experience on how to support people through challenging situations by observing Bernice communicating effectively with a visitor who had English speaking challenges. I feel I will be better able to cope if faced with circumstances similar to English speaking challenges. I also learned and gained more experience in treating g everyone with dignity and respect.”


“I have improved in all areas of my life and especially in my service to customers. All credit to One Community for the impact in my life.”


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