We offer a range of services which are available to the public.

In order for us to be able to carry on providing these services, we charge for some of them. The services listed below we offer for nothing at all:

  • Use of our wifi – Bring your device into our store and use our wifi for free!

  • Letter & email writing support – We provide pre-interview support for any type of interview you have coming up.

  • Business start up advice – We can help you understand emails you have received, as well as help you construct the perfect email in response.

  • Use of our computers – We have a number of laptops available for you to use. We also have screen touch desktops which are great for graphics design

  • CV & Job assistance – Bring in your CV and we can help make changes to increase your employability. Alternatively, we can help you from the ground up if you haven’t already got one.

  • IT support & advice – We provide support & advice on a wide rage of computer-related issues. You can also bring in devices that you’re having trouble operating or that may be broken.

Pop into our store anytime on Monday for a free cup of tea and a chat.

If you just need some quick advice, we’ll probably help you out on the door, but if you will need to sit down and discuss your situation, please book in advance; even if it’s just for 15 minutes, it helps us ensure we get to everyone fairly.

To schedule an appointment, please call 01375 768 233 and say that you are calling to book a time slot in advance.